Thursday, 16 August 2012

8 Weeks on

I'm back !! :)
And so much to talk about. Just had so little time with work and looking after my son.

So yesterday my son Jake was 8 weeks old. Time flies !

He's doing well, sleeping most of the night and started talking...

Well I say talking, making more noises than just "Waaaa".
Although I admit when he first was going "Mwaaa" it was very cute !

(That can become less cute after an hour.. )

So back to the point of this am I coping !

Well at the start I let my wife do everything. She is amazing - have I told you that before.
I was a bit worried about holding , carrying etc, so at the start she passed him to me sitting down etc. 

But then I learnt ways to pick him up with one hand (from the ankle right?) and I became more confident with handling him.

Feeding is fairly easy - I don't produce milk, so not much I can do.

Although I have fed him with the bottle a few times and he's fine with that.

A half doughnut cushion is great to position him and then use my hand to feed him, and my left hand to just make sure he doesn't fall.

Winding him is a bit harder, but I can throw him over my shoulder okay. 

Changing is also fairly easy once I got used to it.

The changing mat on the cot is a must, great hight to change him. And because it is the same place I change him, he has learnt the routine and is very calm when I change him.
I tried with the leg ties I mentioned previously, but to be honest I seemed to get myself and his feet more tangled.
I might try again with them, but at the moment I'm coping without them.

He seems to stay still for me when I'm changing his nappy or clothes. Either a good baby or being nice to me !

He's been out a lot in the 8 weeks he's been here
to pubs numerous times (taking after his Aunt !)
To a friends wedding where he was good all day and night. Even let me have a drink or two

And 2 weeks ago we took him to the Olympics. that's a whole other post, but we had a great time.

So far everything is great :)


  1. He is being nice to you, as he is a little fidget for me! :) from your awesome wife!

  2. Great blog Rob. I was most impressed with the way you scooped Jake up a few weeks back. He knows you handle him differently so he cooperates. Ben never laid still for nappy changing, still doesn't!

    Sam,Matt & Ben x

  3. Molly and Jake were ok when they were little. However Molly now has to be chased around the room so I think pull-ups are in order! x
