So it's the 6th of December which means it's another anniversary of my brain haemorrhage. 27 years today.
I always think about things at this time of year.
When I was younger it wasn't the happiest of times. Remembering what had happened and thinking how I was ever going to have a future, a decent relationship, a family.
Obviously now that's totally different. I look back with pride and happiness of how far I've come, and how lucky I am to have such great friends and family. And my own family. With my amazing wife who makes my laugh and smile constantly. And my beautiful kids that amaze me every day. My life is pretty damn awesome.
This year I noticed the Independent had chosen Great Ormond Street Hospital as their charity for Christmas and I was asked to write an article for them.
This was interesting due to the timing. And how I always think of Gosh at Christmas.
I had a long chat with my parents about the details of when I was in Great Ormond Street before writing the article. Mainly because I was in a coma for 10 days so don't remember that much.
It was interesting as I learnt a few new things I never knew. And got to see my brain scans again, I forget how big an area of my brain is damaged.
The article is here and was also republished in the Evening Standard here.
Not sure if it made it into paper form, but it was strange seeing an old photo of me on the front page of the Independent website for over 24 hours!
I hope the article helped explain what a great job Great Ormond Street Hospital do and a lot of money is raised in the GiveToGosh campaign to help them carry on the excellent work they do for children and the help they provide for the parents.
The NHS tends to get a bashing, but they do some great things every minute of every day. The saved my life for one, and my son's life too when he was born !
So thanks Great Ormond Street, thanks NHS, and thanks to everyone else. As I said my life is pretty damn awesome and that's due to you all !